French Guiana

French Guiana is on the northeast coast of South America and was under French control since 1674. In 1946 French Guiana voted to remain within the French Union as an overseas department. French Guiana's inhabitants are French citizens use the Euro.

Caisse Centrale de la France d'Outre-Mer

From 1941 to 1958, the Caisse Centrale was responsible for issuing banknotes to French West Africa, French Equatorial Africa, Cameroun, Madagascar, the French Overseas Departments (DOM) and Saint Pierre-et-Miquelon. In 1945 it introduced the Franc CFA (Colonies Françaises d’Afrique) for use in the Equatorial African States. In 1959, the banking functions were transferred to the Institut d'Émission des Départements d'Outre-Mer and the Caisse Centrale has transitioned to be an economic development organization for the regions.

1946-52 Issues

B403a face
B403a face
B403a (
  • K.221
  • P-19a
) 5 Francs Bougainville
Louis-Antoine Bougainville; Museum of Joséphine de Beauharnais
  • Printer: BdF
  • ND (1946)
  • 104 x 56mm
  • Sig 3

  • Watermark: Anchor and Boat

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