Jacques Simon
Jacques Roger Simon was a French painter and engraver, born in Paris November 21, 1875, died in Paris in 1965.
Son of recognized Orientalist painter Ernest Simon. Pupil of Bouguereau and Gabriel Ferier, Academie Julian and Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Price Abd-el-Tif 1908 Prix Louis Dumoulin, Salon des Artistes colonial French. Friend of Leo and Leon Cauvy Square, Professor at the City of Paris. Painted Kabylia to look biblical, very impressed by Marquet, he became a member of the Oriental Society of Artists. Works for the Gobelins (Triptych "Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia), produces windows for the church Carilels (Manche), the church Marquillies (North), frescoes of the ferry terminal in Le Havre (destroyed in 1940-1945), illustrated books Fromentin, Vercelli, Duhamel, Dorgeles Leo Larguier. Recipient of numerous medals at the Salons, he is the painter of nature, seascapes, from Normandy countryside, and his Orientalist works are flawless execution.
B131a (
- MK28
- P-85
Algerian Man wearing Turban; Farmer with Oxen
- Printer: BdF
- 7/12/1941
- 157 x 93mm
- Sig 8
- Date without letters
- Watermark: Moorish Woman's head
B131b (
- MK29
- P-88
Algerian Man wearing Turban; Farmer with Oxen
- Printer: BdF
- 1942-1945
- 157 x 93mm
- Sig 8
- Watermark: “BANQUE DE L'ALGERIE” text
- Like B131a with “BANQUE DE L'ALGERIE” watermark
B215a (
- MK417
- P-13a
Algerian Man wearing Turban; Farmer with Oxen
- 2/8/1941
- 157 x 93mm
- Sig 8
- Watermark: Moorish Woman's head
- Vertical “TUNISIE” overprint at right on Algeria B131a