Gilbert Poilliot
Gilbert Poilliot (1900 – 1977) was a French engraver and illustrator.
B304a (
B304a (
- LK659b
- P-10a
- Printer: BdF
- 1962
- 128 x 83mm
- Sig 1a
- Watermark: Eland head
B305a (
Banana Farming & Shipping
B305a (
- LK660b
- P-11
Banana Farming & Shipping
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1962)
- 140 x 90mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 1a
- Series A.1-V.2
- Watermark: Eland head
- Lambert, P. FEC
- Poilliot, G. SC
B306a (
B306a (
- LK662b
- P-12
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1962)
- 160 x 103mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 1a
- Series A.1-K.11 32999
- Like B301a but with different country name
- “ONE THOUSAND FRANCS” overprinted on B301a
- Lambert, P. FEC
- Poilliot, G. SC
B307a (
B307a (
- LK664b
- P-13
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1962)
- 174 x 112mm
- Sig 1a
- Like B303a but with different country name
Central African Republic
B107a (
St. Anne's Basilica in Brazzaville; River Transportation, Truck Hauling Logs
B107a (
- LK596
- P-11
St. Anne's Basilica in Brazzaville; River Transportation, Truck Hauling Logs
- Printer: BdF
- 1/1/1980
- 172 x 111mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 9
- Watermark: Woman's head
For notes with this same design, see Brazzaville omnibus
B201a (
B201a (
- LK560b
- P-2a
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1974)
- 157 x 81mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 6
- Watermark: Eland head
For notes with this same design, see Education omnibus
B207a (
St. Anne's Basilica in Brazzaville; River Transportation, Truck Hauling Logs
B207a (
- LK571b
- P-8
St. Anne's Basilica in Brazzaville; River Transportation, Truck Hauling Logs
- Printer: BdF
- 1/1/1980
- 172 x 111mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 9
- Watermark: Woman's head
For notes with this same design, see Brazzaville omnibus
B101b (
B101b (
- LK902b
- P-2b
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1963)
- 120 x 78mm
- Sig 5
- Watermark: Girl's head
- “COMORES” overprinted in red on Madagascar B101a
For notes with this same design, see Betsileo Woman omnibus
Congo Republic
B202b (
B202b (
- LK618
- P-3b
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1974)
- 159 x 83mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 5
- Watermark: Eland head
For notes with this same design, see Transportation omnibus
B101a (
B101a (
- LK931
- P-36a
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1979)
- 140 x 74mm
- Intaglio
- Sig No signature
- Watermark: Djibouti Coat of Arms
- Like French Afars and Issas B104a but with different issuer name
Equatorial African States
B201b (
Elephants in River
B201b (
- LK552b
- P-3b
Elephants in River
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1963)
- 128 x 82mm
- Sig 1
- Code B
- Watermark: Woman's head
Equatorial African States
B202b (
Satellite Dish, Camel Caravan
B202b (
- LK553b
- P-4b
Satellite Dish, Camel Caravan
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1963)
- 139 x 90mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 1
- Code B
- Watermark: Woman's head
Equatorial African States
B203a (
Lumber cultivation
B203a (
- LK555a
- P-5a
Lumber cultivation
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1963)
- 160 x 114mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 1
- Watermark: Woman's head
French Afars and Issas
B104a (
B104a (
- KM665
- P-33
- Printer: BdF
- ND (4/21/1975)
- 140 x 74mm
- Watermark: Woman's head
- Like Djibouti B101a but with different issuer name
French Antilles
B108b (
Sugar Cane Harvest
B108b (
- K.708b
- P-8b
Sugar Cane Harvest
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1964)
- 154 x 84mm
- Sig 2
- Watermark: Woman
- Like B105a but denominated in Francs
French Antilles
B109b (
Antilles Couple and Saw Mill
B109b (
- K.709b
- P-9b
Antilles Couple and Saw Mill
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1964)
- 164 x 89mm
- Sig 2
- Watermark: Woman
- Like B106a but denominated in Francs
French Equatorial Africa
B506as (
B506as (
- LK544a
- P-33s
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1957)
- 140 x 90mm
- Sig 1
- Specimen
- Watermark: Woman in profile
French Pacific Territories
B101a (
Marquesas Islands; Rocks at Hienghène, New Caledonia
B101a (
- K.816
- P-1a
Marquesas Islands; Rocks at Hienghène, New Caledonia
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1992)
- 150 x 80mm
- Sig 2
- Thread
- Watermark: Marianne/RF
For notes with this same design, see Polynesian Fisherman omnibus
- Poilliot, G. SC
- Vaudiau, R. INV
French Pacific Territories
B103a (
Louis-Antoine Bougainville; Admiral Febvrier-Despointes
B103a (
- K.820c
- P-3a
Louis-Antoine Bougainville; Admiral Febvrier-Despointes
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1996)
- 172 x 92mm
- Sig 3
- Thread
- Watermark: Marianne/RF
For notes with this same design, see Bougainville and Ships omnibus
- Poilliot, G. SC
- Vaudiau, R. INV
French Somaliland
B301a (
Camel Caravan
B301a (
- KM657
- P-25
Camel Caravan
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1952)
- 120 x 80mm
- Watermark: Woman with headcloth
B107a (
Boabab Trees
B107a (
- LK845b
- P-57a
Boabab Trees
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1964)
- Sig 3
- Watermark: Girl's head
B111a (
B111a (
- LK843
- P-61
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1969)
- 80 x 120mm
- Sig 3
- Watermark: Girl's head
- Like B101a for notes with different overprint
For notes with this same design, see Betsileo Woman omnibus
B230a (
View of Rabat
B230a (
- MK525a
- P-47
View of Rabat
- Printer: BdF
- 1/18/1952
- 159 x 103mm
- Sig 12
- Watermark: Lion
New Caledonia
B504a (
Marquesas Islands; Rocks at Hienghène, New Caledonia
B504a (
- K.804a
- P-60a
Marquesas Islands; Rocks at Hienghène, New Caledonia
- Printer: BdF
- ND
- 150 x 80mm
- Sig 1
- Watermark: Marianne/RF
For notes with this same design, see Polynesian Fisherman omnibus
- Poilliot, G. SC
- Vaudiau, R. INV
New Hebrides
B404a (
Marquesas Islands; Rocks at Hienghène, New Caledonia
B404a (
- K.904a
- P-19a
Marquesas Islands; Rocks at Hienghène, New Caledonia
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1970)
- 150 x 80mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 1
- {Q{NOUVELLES-HEBRIDES” overprint at top and bottom, front and back
- Watermark: Marianne/RF
For notes with this same design, see Polynesian Fisherman omnibus
- Poilliot, G. SC
- Vaudiau, R. INV
B404a (
Marquesas Islands; Rocks at Hienghène, New Caledonia
B404a (
- K.812a
- P-25a
Marquesas Islands; Rocks at Hienghène, New Caledonia
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1970)
- 150 x 80mm
- Sig 1
- “RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE” at lower left of face
- Watermark: Marianne/RF
For notes with this same design, see Polynesian Fisherman omnibus
- Poilliot, G. SC
- Vaudiau, R. INV
West African States
B114Ab (
B114Ab (
- LK309A
- P-109Ad
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1977-92)
- 168 x 92mm
- Sig 12
- Watermark: Woman's head
B1004a (
Louis Pasteur at the Pasteur Institute in Paris
B1004a (
- F.61.4
- P-146a
Louis Pasteur at the Pasteur Institute in Paris
- Printer: BdF
- 11/4/1966
- 140 x 75mm
- Sig 17
- Watermark: Pasteur
B1005b (
Voltaire at the Tuileries Palace
B1005b (
- F.62.19
- P-147b
Voltaire at the Tuileries Palace
- Printer: BdF
- 1/6/1966
- 150 x 80mm
- Sig 17
- Watermark: Voltaire
B1007f (
Pierre Corneille, Versailles; View of Rouen
B1007f (
- F.65.51
- P-149f
Pierre Corneille, Versailles; View of Rouen
- Printer: BdF
- 1/2/1976
- 172 x 92mm
- Sig 18
- Watermark: Portraits d’Auguste et Horace, héros de tragédies de Corneille