Stéphane Pannemaker

Stéphane Pannemaker, born in Schaerbeek (Brussels) on February 24, 1847 and died in Issy-les-Moulineaux on March 8, 19301, was a French painter and wood engraver.

He is the son of François Pannemaker, himself an engraver.

The Pannemaker2 family moved to Paris from Brussels in 1855, where François Pannemaker became professor of wood engraving at the École impériale de dessin. Under his father's guidance, Stéphane Pannemaker began engraving in 1861, after having been trained in the art of drawing by Lecoq de Boisbaudran.

He contributed to the Magasin Pittoresque and, from 1874, to L'Illustration. From 1880, he taught wood engraving at the Beaux-arts de Paris and the École Estienne. He became a member of the Société des Artistes Français in 1883, and exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français, where he won several prizes. He won a grand prize at the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1889.

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