Pierrette Lambert
Pierrette Lambert (born 10 june 1928 in Orches, France) is a French artist known for designing and engraving banknotes and postage stamps.
Pierrette Lambert began her studies at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Poitiers in 1943. She studied in Paris at the School of design and applied arts trade and industry, then at the Ecole Estienne. She discovered engraving through art miniature. Her works were exhibited at the gallery Ror Volmar in 1957.
An exhibition of her miniature gallery Ror Volmar was noticed in 1957 by Guitard, a director of Bank of France in charge of the manufacture of banknotes. Employed by the French central bank, she drew among other banknotes, effigies of Racine (50 francs) and Louis Pasteur (5 francs). Subsequently, she drew the 200 francs Montesquieu in 1981 and many notes for french territories.
She competed in the design for the euro banknotes, but Robert Kalina's works were selected.
B304a (
- LK659b
- P-10a
- Printer: BdF
- 1962
- 128 x 83mm
- Sig 1a
- Watermark: Eland head
B305a (
- LK660b
- P-11
Banana Farming & Shipping
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1962)
- 140 x 90mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 1a
- Series A.1-V.2
- Watermark: Eland head
- Lambert, P. FEC
- Poilliot, G. SC
B306a (
- LK662b
- P-12
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1962)
- 160 x 103mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 1a
- Series A.1-K.11 32999
- Like B301a but with different country name
- “ONE THOUSAND FRANCS” overprinted on B301a
- Lambert, P. FEC
- Poilliot, G. SC
B307a (
- LK664b
- P-13
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1962)
- 174 x 112mm
- Sig 1a
- Like B303a but with different country name
B406a (
- LK682b
- P-20
Green. Stylized Antelope Heads; Loading Fruit
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1981)
- 169 x 93mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 12
- Watermark: Woman
For notes with this same design, see Stylized Antelope omnibus
B408a (
- LK690
- P-22
Brown, yellow. Mask, Woman Carrying Bundle of Fronds; Plowing & Mining
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1984)
- 162 x 86mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 12
- One-digit alphabet
- Watermark: Carved mask
- Like B405a but with different country name
For notes with this same design, see Woman Carrying Fronds omnibus
- Durrens, C. SC
- Hérouard, J. SC
- Lambert, P. FEC
B409b (
- LK696
- P-23
Green. Stylized Antelope Heads; Loading Fruit
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1990)
- 169 x 93mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 13
- Watermark: Woman
- Like B406a but with different country name
For notes with this same design, see Stylized Antelope omnibus
B107a (
- LK596
- P-11
St. Anne's Basilica in Brazzaville; River Transportation, Truck Hauling Logs
- Printer: BdF
- 1/1/1980
- 172 x 111mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 9
- Watermark: Woman's head
For notes with this same design, see Brazzaville omnibus
B101Eh (
- LK700C
- P-201Eh
Baobab Tree and Antelopes
- Printer: BdF
- 1993
- 140 x 75mm
- Sig 6
- Microprint
- UV
- Watermark: Shepherd
- Lambert, P. FEC
B102Ea (
- LK710E
- P-202Ea
- Printer: BdF
- 1993
- 150 x 75mm
- Sig 1
- Microprint
- UV
- Watermark: Farmer
- Lambert, P. FEC
B103Lg (
- LK721L
- P-403Lg
Loading Ship
- Printer: BdF
- 2000
- 153 x 75mm
- Sig 5
- Microprint
- UV
- Watermark: Farmer
- Lambert, P. FEC
B104Ea (
- LK731E
- P-204Ea
Gathering Cotton
- Printer: BdF
- 1994
- 162 x 79mm
- Sig 3
- Microprint
- UV
- Watermark: Worker
- Lambert, P. FEC
B105Lc (
- LK746L
- P-405Lc
- Printer: BdF
- 1997
- 164 x 84mm
- Sig 2
- Microprint
- UV
- Watermark: Native Woman
- Lambert, P. FEC
B207a (
- LK571b
- P-8
St. Anne's Basilica in Brazzaville; River Transportation, Truck Hauling Logs
- Printer: BdF
- 1/1/1980
- 172 x 111mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 9
- Watermark: Woman's head
For notes with this same design, see Brazzaville omnibus
B211a (
- LK579a
- P-11
Brown, yellow. Mask, Woman Carrying Bundle of Fronds; Plowing & Mining
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1984)
- 162 x 86mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 9
- 3-digit alphabet
- Watermark: Carved mask
For notes with this same design, see Woman Carrying Fronds omnibus
- Durrens, C. SC
- Hérouard, J. SC
- Lambert, P. FEC
B212a (
- LK581b
- P-12a
Green. Stylized Antelope Heads; Loading Fruit
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1984)
- 169 x 93mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 9
- 1-digit alphabet
- Watermark: Woman's head
For notes with this same design, see Stylized Antelope omnibus
B201a (
- LK914b
- P-7a
View of Mohéli
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1975)
- 144 x 76mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 4
- Watermark: Crescent moon on Maltese cross
- Lambert, P. FEC
B202a (
- LK916b
- P-8a
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1975)
- 150 x 80mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 4
- Watermark: Crescent moon on Maltese cross
- Lambert, P. FEC
B203a (
- LK917
- P-9a
Mosquée du Vendredi at Moroni; President Saïd Mohamed Cheikh
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1975)
- 160 x 85mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 4
- Watermark: Crescent moon on Maltese cross
- Lambert, P. FEC
B301a (
- LK918
- P-10a
View of Mohéli
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1986)
- 144 x 76mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 6
- 1-digit block
- Watermark
- Like B201a but with different issuer name
- Lambert, P. FEC
B302a (
- LK921
- P-11a
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1981)
- 150 x 80mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 6
- Watermark: Crescent moon on Maltese cross
- Like B202a but with different issuer name
- Lambert, P. FEC
B303a1 (
- LK923
- P-12a
Mosquée du Vendredi at Moroni; President Saïd Mohamed Cheikh
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1981)
- 160 x 85mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 6
- 1-digit alphabet
- UV
- Watermark
- Like B203a but with different issuer name
- Lambert, P. FEC
B205a (
- LK629
- P-6a
Brown, yellow. Mask, Woman Carrying Bundle of Fronds; Plowing & Mining
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1984)
- 162 x 86mm
- Sig 12
- Watermark: Carved mask
For notes with this same design, see Woman Carrying Fronds omnibus
- Durrens, C. SC
- Hérouard, J. SC
- Lambert, P. FEC
B206a (
- LK631
- P-7
Green. Stylized Antelope Heads; Loading Fruit
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1983)
- 169 x 93mm
- Sig 12
- Watermark: Woman
For notes with this same design, see Stylized Antelope omnibus
B101a (
- LK931
- P-36a
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1979)
- 140 x 74mm
- Intaglio
- Sig No signature
- Watermark: Djibouti Coat of Arms
- Like French Afars and Issas B104a but with different issuer name
B102a (
- LK933
- P-37a
Camel Caravan
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1979)
- 152 x 81mm
- Intaglio
- Sig No signature
- Single digit alphabet
- Watermark: Djibouti Coat of Arms
- Like French Afars and Issas B105a but with different issuer name
- Durrens, C. SC
- Hérouard, J. SC
- Lambert, P. FEC
B103a (
- LK937
- P-38a
Aerial View of Port of Djibouti
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1979)
- 162 x 87mm
- Intaglio
- Sig No signature
- Watermark: Djibouti Coat of Arms
- Like French Afars and Issas B106a but with different issuer name
B104a (
- LK940
- P-39a
Woman and Child, Goats in a Tree; Aerial View of Port of Djibouti
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1984)
- 172 x 92mm
- Sig 1A, title “LE TRÉSORIER”
- Watermark: Bust of native woman
- Lambert, P. FEC
B201b (
- LK552b
- P-3b
Elephants in River
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1963)
- 128 x 82mm
- Sig 1
- Code B
- Watermark: Woman's head
B202b (
- LK553b
- P-4b
Satellite Dish, Camel Caravan
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1963)
- 139 x 90mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 1
- Code B
- Watermark: Woman's head
B203a (
- LK555a
- P-5a
Lumber cultivation
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1963)
- 160 x 114mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 1
- Watermark: Woman's head
B104a (
- KM665
- P-33
- Printer: BdF
- ND (4/21/1975)
- 140 x 74mm
- Watermark: Woman's head
- Like Djibouti B101a but with different issuer name
B105a (
- KM666
- P-34
Camel Caravan
- Printer: BdF
- ND (4/21/1975)
- 152 x 81mm
- Watermark: Woman's head
- Like Djibouti B102a but with different issuer name
- Durrens, C. SC
- Hérouard, J. SC
- Lambert, P. FEC
B108b (
- K.708b
- P-8b
Sugar Cane Harvest
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1964)
- 154 x 84mm
- Sig 2
- Watermark: Woman
- Like B105a but denominated in Francs
B109b (
- K.709b
- P-9b
Antilles Couple and Saw Mill
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1964)
- 164 x 89mm
- Sig 2
- Watermark: Woman
- Like B106a but denominated in Francs
B104a (
- K.817
- P-4a
Bungalows and Emblem of French Polynesia; Coral and Fish
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1/10/1986)
- 172 x 92mm
- Sig 1
- 1-digit alphabet
- Watermark: Two Tahitian Women
- Thread
- Lambert, P. INV
B205a (
- LK652b
- P-6a
Brown, yellow. Mask, Woman Carrying Bundle of Fronds; Plowing & Mining
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1984)
- 162 x 86mm
- Sig 9
- Watermark: Carved mask
For notes with this same design, see Woman Carrying Fronds omnibus
- Durrens, C. SC
- Hérouard, J. SC
- Lambert, P. FEC
B206a (
- LK654b
- P-7a
Green. Stylized Antelope Heads; Loading Fruit
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1984)
- 169 x 93mm
- Sig 9
- Watermark: Woman's head
For notes with this same design, see Stylized Antelope omnibus
B311a (
- P-75a
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1994)
- 130 x 75mm
- Sig 4
- Thread
- Watermark: Zebu head
- Lambert, P. INV
B312a (
- P-76a
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1994)
- 137 x 76mm
- Sig 4
- Thread
- Watermark: Zebu head
- Lambert, P. INV
B314a (
- P-78a
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1995)
- 155 x 76mm
- Sig 4
- Thread
- Watermark: Zebu head
- Lambert, P. INV
B315a (
- P-79a
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1995)
- 165 x 75mm
- Sig 4
- Strap
- Thread
- Watermark: Zebu head
- Lambert, P. INV
B313a (
- P-81
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1998)
- 146 x 76mm
- Sig 5
- Thread
- Watermark: Zebu head
- Lambert, P. INV
B316a (
- P-82
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1998)
- 175 x 75mm
- Sig 5
- Strap
- Thread
- Watermark: Zebu head
- Lambert, P. INV
B201a (
- LK405a
- P-11
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1972-73)
- 125 x 80mm
- Sig 2
- Watermark: Man's head
- Lambert, P. INV
B202d (
- LK409
- P-12d
Camel Caravan
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1973-84)
- 130 x 85mm
- Sig 5
- Watermark: Man's head
- Lambert, P. INV
B203b (
- LK413
- P-13b
Dogon Village
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1970-84)
- 129 x 80mm
- Sig 3
- Watermark: Man's head
- Lambert, P. INV
B204e (
- LK421
- P-14e
Picking Cotton
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1972-84)
- 157 x 101mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 6
- Watermark: Man's head
- Lambert, P. INV
B205c (
- LK425
- P-15c
Traditional Weaving
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1970-84)
- 158 x 98mm
- Intaglio
- Sig 3
- Watermark: Man's head
- Lambert, P. INV
- Lambert, P. FEC
B115Ab (
- LK325A
- P-110Ab
- Printer: FCO
- 2002
- 140 x 80mm
- Sig 31
- Microprint: Countries of the West Arican States
- Watermark: Farmer's head
- Lambert, P. FEC
B116Dc (
- LK337D
- P-411Dc
Women Carrying Baskets
- Printer: FCO
- 1993
- 150 x 80mm
- Sig 25
- Microprint
- UV
- Watermark: Woman's head
- Lambert, P. FEC
B117Dc (
- LK347D
- P-412Dc
Spraying Trees
- Printer: FCO
- 1994
- 155 x 80mm
- Sig 27
- Microprint
- UV
- Watermark: Woman's head
- Lambert, P. FEC
B118Bl (
- LK355Bbis(4)
- P-213Bl
Market Scene
- Printer: BdF
- 2002
- 163 x 80mm
- Sig 31
- Microprint
- UV
- Watermark: Woman's head
- Lambert, P. FEC
B119Aa (
- LK356A
- P-114Aa
Woman and Rope Bridge
- Printer: BdF
- 1992
- 170 x 80mm
- Sig 25
- Microprint
- UV
- Watermark: Native man
- Lambert, P. FEC
B1004a (
- F.61.4
- P-146a
Louis Pasteur at the Pasteur Institute in Paris
- Printer: BdF
- 11/4/1966
- 140 x 75mm
- Sig 17
- Watermark: Pasteur
B1006f (
- F.64.33
- P-148f
Jean Racine at the Port Royal des Champs Abbey
- Printer: BdF
- 6/3/1976
- 160 x 85mm
- Sig 18
- Watermark: Character from Andromaque
B1012j (
- F.70.10
- P-155a
French author Montesquieu; Château de la Brède
- Printer: BdF
- ND (1990)
- 172 x 92mm
- Sig 20
- Two raised dots at left for the blind
- Watermark: Montesquieu
DIS-02-A-01 Hector Berlioz
- Printer: BdF
- 1972-1985
- 172 x 92mm